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This Article is intended to be for educational use only, and for development of critical thinking regarding the issues presented....

Florida Appellate Courts Fallacy: Your Case Is Not Being Decided By An Appellate Court Judge
So you are a firm believer in the rule of law, get an new appeal case and all the stars are in alignment. You made your fee and are ready...

Florida's War Against Pain Clinics And Opioids: Is It Really A War Or Is It A Trojan Horse?
Effective July 1, 2018, via amendment to Controlled Substances Prescribing [Act], Florida Statutes 456.44(5), Florida pain management...

Florida Appellate Court "Appendix" Rule 9.220 Fla. R. App. P., Effective October 1, 2017
How hard can it be to compile an Appendix to file with an Appeal in Florida Appellate courts? The answer is that the first time around...

Why Some Florida State Criminal Court Judges Rule Correctly On Constitutional Issues
The Author has wondered 'why' Florida State Court Judges rule differently when presented with the same set of facts and identical...

The Fifth Amendment And Compelling iPhone Data Decryption
There is absolutely no consensus in State Courts or Federal Courts regarding whether compelling a defendant-arrestee to reveal an iPhone...

Part 2 Of 2 Parts: Does Florida's Drug Trafficking Statute Sec. 893.101 'Knowledge'
This Article describes a possible new 2018 approach for attacking Florida's Drug Trafficking statutes as unconstitutional under the 5th...

Florida Stand Your Ground Statute 776.013 Home Protection: "Unlawful And Forcible Entry"
Although Florida's Stand Your Ground Statutes Chapter 776 were created in 2005, it was not until 2017 that these laws became more user...

Pinellas County Florida Convenience Store Shooter Michael Drejka, Arrested For Manslaughter
Regardless of whether you are a proponent of Florida's controversial stand your ground law or not, you should read the Information and...

Part 1 Of 2 Parts: Does Florida's Drug Trafficking Statute Sec. 893.101 'Knowledge'
This Article describes a possible new 2018 approach for attacking Florida's Drug Trafficking statutes as unconstitutional under the 5th...
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